Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Update on Mom

Well her surgery went well on Monday. She was in there for about 4 and a half hour. They had to take out more lymph nodes then they thought they would. They do feel that they got everything, which is good. Next morning Doctor saw her and everything seemed well said she could go home if she passed some tests, which she did . So I couldnt get her till later on the afternoon and when I got there she was complaining that she was very lightheaded and shaky. I informed the nurses who got in touch with the DR who revoked her discharge. Man was she pissed. All the poor thing wanted to do was get home and rest in her bed. Instead she was admitted again and was given and EKG which entailed shifting her bandages. She got over it finally and gave into it and let them do their testing. Then the covering doctor came in to check on her cause she was concerned about her high BP. She then proceeded to inspect her incisions and found that she had a hematoma forming inder her incisions. Ugh. So she felt her numbers were fine and didnt need to rush her into surgery at that moment to fix it. So all was well and they gave her Zanax to have her chill which was good for her.
Fastfoward to the middle of the night last night. She gets up to go to the bathroom with one of the nurses and she gets extremely lighthead, sweaty, and feels like shes gonna pass out. So nurses panic she is having a heartattack and call the rapid response team into her room. Her BP is through the roof and her heart rate was very elevated. They give her all kinds of meds to bring her levels down. Then she is transfered to the telemitry ward where she is monitored all the time. So I get there this morning after a 7 oclock wake up from the Doc. She informs me of what happened and that she has become very anemic from all the blood that has been draining. Also that the hematoma that was brewing need to bee taken care of but not until she is able to get all of her levels back to normal. I get to the hopital and she looks horrible, she is pail as a ghost sweaty and so nausous. I felt bad for her cause she still is unable to get comfortable in those horrible beds and she can only lay on her back. Plus sick on top of it and the meds for the nauseous isnt helping. So now we are waiting for a blood transfusion to replace all the blood she lost. Then hopefully that will help her and then we can move onto the surgery. Thats it for now I will post if anything new happens tonight.

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