Thursday, June 25, 2009

Im a bad blogger

Its been brought to my attention that I have not blogged since april. That is seriously pathetic.::hanging head:: Well I at least have good reason it has been a crazy few months. My friends bridal shower and weddingin march and april, My mother having her surgeryin march then starting chemo in april, My brothers issues finally resolved a couple weeks ago. SO obviously my mind has been in a million other places.
So in that spare time to keep me sane I became obsessed with the twilight series which has become my escape from the crazyness of my world. It has kept me from loosing my mind these last few months.... I am sadly on my third time reading/listening to them and impatiently waiting for new moon to come out.

So lets see another good thing that happened in the last few months has been I finally god a new truck after 13 years of having our pathfinder. I loveeeeee my new truck. I got a nissan Xtrra that I have been drooling over for the past 3 years. Finally hubby gave into me and got me it.
Lets see other then that at this moment I cant remember the blur that has been these three months.
Lets see other then that at this moment I cant remember the blur that has been these three months.
So lets see in my near future I have a no doubt concert on friday (I love gwen) Then on sunday I am going to meet some of my fabulous nestie friends in Philly!! Cant wait gonna have so much fun!! Then next saturday is my birthday. No major plans but I know it will involve cake and fireworks (its my one bday rule) Then after that starts my crazy summer with kiddies off from school. Hopefully Mr sun will cooperate and come out more often so there can be more trips to the beach club...
So I think thats says it all for now. I have brought you all up to date on the life of KDH and will now promise to be a better blogger. :: clearing throat for my "girls next door":: <3